Fri–Tue 9:30 – 18:00. Wed & Thu 9:30 – 20:00. Sun Closed.

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Beautiful skin from the inside out

Beautiful skin from the inside out

Flawless skin and a dewy complexion tops the list of results my clients asked for during most skincare consultations.

Flawless Skin and a Dewy Complexion

Flawless skin and a dewy complexion top the list of results my clients asked for during most skincare consultations.

I have worked with many skincare brands and amazing (and some not so amazing) treatments over the years. So when I opened my salon I searched the market and found what I consider to be one of the best non-surgical and non-invasive treatments currently available.

I specialise in advanced aesthetic treatments and one of my favourites is the Dermatude meta therapy facial. It delivers incredible results including anti-ageing benefits, rejuvenation and increased skin hydration.

Our skin starts showing the first signs of ageing from as early as 25 - it becomes thinner, blood circulation deteriorates and the natural production of collagen and elastin slows down - causing the skin to lose its firmness and elasticity.

The natural ageing process works from the inside out but it is also accelerated by external factors including excess UV light, stress and stimulants like alcohol and tobacco.

The Dermatude meta therapy facial increases collagen and elastin production by using tiny needles to create microscopic holes in the surface of the skin to trick it into thinking it has suffered a trauma in order to stimulate the natural repair mechanism. This is no different to how your body responds when you cut yourself with something sharp.

As a result, the skin becomes firmer and regains elasticity, while lines, wrinkles and scarring are significantly reduced. Pores become finer, circulation is stimulated and the overall appearance of the skin is fresher and brighter.

This facial helps to reactivate what the skin has lost over time by turning back the clock in a 100% natural way.

As a double whammy I also love to work from the inside out - why not try Dr Murad's youth activating smoothie.

This recipe is yummy and designed to keep your skin youthful

  • 3 frozen bananas
  • 60g cacao powder
  • 2 tablespoons maqui powder
  • 3 tablespoons fresh mint leaves
  • 475ml vanilla rice milk

Blend and enjoy... (let me know your thoughts)

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